Physical Sciences for NGSS: eBook (12 Month Personal License)


Physical Sciences has been specifically written to meet the high school physics requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The three dimensions (science practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas) of the standards are integrated throughout the workbook.

SKU: EL-NPS1 Categories:

Product Description

Physical Sciences for NGSS has been specifically written to meet the requirements of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for High School Physical Sciences (HS-PS). It encompasses all three dimensions of the standards (science and engineering practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas), addressing the program content through a wide range of engaging student-focused activities and investigations.

Through completion of these activities, students build a sound understanding of science and engineering practices, recognize and understand the concepts that link all domains of science, and build the knowledge base required to integrate the three dimensions of the standards to meet the program’s performance expectations.

The Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) provide the structural framework for the book, dividing it into four sections. Each chapter comprises a range of activities designed and sequenced to scaffold learning using a 5Es instructional approach. Specific performance expectations are identified and addressed within each chapter and assessed through specific activities including, but not restricted to, specifically designed, three-dimensional summative assessments.

Science and Engineering Practices are fully integrated throughout with activities to develop skills in practical investigation, collaboration, analyzing and interpreting data, developing and using models, and constructing explanations from evidence. A supporting introductory chapter acts as a reference and provides students with additional opportunities to practice the mathematical and inquiry-based skills required at this level.

Crosscutting concepts are fully integrated and identified throughout, allowing students to make connections between the core themes in science across different topics.

Nature of Science: Students develop an understanding of the nature of science through incorporation of its basic principles into activities. The teacher’s edition provides teacher guidance on this aspect.

Engineering Design: The Engineering Design component of NGSS has been incorporated as appropriate through activities that engage the student in designing and evaluating solutions to real world problems. This aspect of the standards provides an exciting opportunity for students to apply their knowledge in a creative way, with due consideration to social and environmental concerns.